On days like this, it could start out a frigid winter morning, turn into a balmy 50-something spring-like day only to plunge back into the 30s by night. So what to wear if you must leave your home at the crack of dawn and you aren't back until after the sun goes down? Well, frankly, layers are the only way to go.
After living in New York, I quickly realized that these days are THE WORST for city dwellers. The rest of us can put clothing in the car in case we may need it but for people living in the city who are subject to walking everywhere and carrying everything, it's tricky, and you learn to be really efficient after a while.
On days like this in the city I had a few trusty basics I always turned to: denim cut off shorts, a comfy yet polished Tshirt, comfortable shoes that are waterproof (or at least that I wouldn't care if it started raining and they got wet). From there I added black tights, a sweater on top of the T, a heavy scarf, a cashmere hat, gloves (if really chilly in the AM), and a large tote to put the layers in as I shed them.
I would carry the tote as my bag for the day so as not to have to carry two bags. I HATE carrying two bags, nothing looks worse than a polished woman weighted down with bags upon bags she's schlepping around. Get a large, streamlined tote and put everything in it, trust me, you'll thank me for the suggestion, even gym clothes will fit.
Anyways, back to New York, when the weather started to get balmy and warm during the day I would remove the sweater, scarf, hat and gloves and simply sport the Tshirt, cutoffs and tights. Ahhh, no sweaty I-can't-take-off-my-top-layer-because-all-that's-underneath-is-a-bra feeling. And if I felt a little chilly, I could throw the scarf on over the Tshirt. I have an infinity scarf (one that has no ends) and if you UN-gather it, it becomes and giant blanket (great for when I'm on a plane).
I realize this is an extremely casual outfit (and denim cutoffs aren't for everyone) but this is simply a model (or template) that can be translated into whatever outfit you need to put together for whatever occasion.
The basic idea is that you mind what you are wearing underneath no matter how much you swear you won't take the sweater off! We all know how awful it is when we want to remove our blazer or sweater and all we have on is a tiny tank or an old shirt with armpit stains, don't do it to yourself!!! (And why are those things still in your closet anyway hmmm?)
Always think about the outfit that's underneath the outfit, so when you get hot you can whip off whatever you have on top and feel perfectly confident and secure about what you have on underneath. Set out your outfits the night before if you can't get it together in the morning.
I have had to do the layer strip in the middle of a crowded subway train before! I won't even get started on making sure you've showered recently and you put on deodorant - trust me - it's bad news if you can't lift your arms on a crowded subway.
If the day gets even hotter, or you find yourself running around working up a sweat, simply remove the tights and voila! You are even more efficient! (Just don't remove the tights ON the subway and make sure whatever bottoms you are wearing is going to be appropriate without the tights!)
Then just stuff everything in the tote and be on your way. Watch for the woman with a wool sweater on in the freakishly 70 degree day sweat and struggle to get on with her day. HA! Not you!
I even have a knee length down jacket that scrunches down into a small drawstring bag, I even used it as a pillow on the train to and from New York, now that's efficiency!
I like the idea of everything having a double purpose in your wardrobe and owning really functional, utilitarian stuff. Make your garments work for you!
Practice this week while the warm front is here and sashay through the office, parking lot, mall, restaurant whatever perfectly comfortable and appropriately dressed! Don't have clothes that multi-task and layer easily? Looks like you have discovered some holes in your wardrobe!
Inspiration for good top layers
Inspiration for the bottom half
The add ons you will need to get through weird weather, and some tote ideas
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