
Pointy Flats Look Great on EVERYONE

If there is one shoe I recommend for absolutely everyone it's a comfy, nice quality pointy flat. They lengthen short girls' legs, thin out curvier girls' legs and complement anything you could possible be wearing (seriously, even a ball gown!).
If you don't have a pair I suggest you take your time and buy a classic pair that will last you years. Keep it simple, you don't want anything too trendy - especially if you drop more than $50 on them (which you should, nice shoes goes a long way for a sophisticated look).

If you don't believe the power of a pointy toe, go upstairs (or to a store if you have no pointy shoes), slip on a few rounded- or square-toe shoes, look at your body in a full length mirror, and then slip on a few pointy shoes.  MAJOR difference. Such an easy body-changing trick! And remember, size doesn't matter, wearing the right clothes does!

Image via fashionising.com

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